Wednesday, 31 July 2013

31. IV WED of Kaitha

Lk 18: 25-30: The whole tendency of possession is to shackle a man’s thoughts to this world. He has so big a stake in it that he never wants to leave it, and never things of anything else. It is not a sin to have much wealth-but it is a danger to the soul and a great responsibility. So one must struggle as ‘a camel going through the eye of a needle’. This struggle of one to enter the kingdom is an important message in this season of Kaitha.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

30.IV TUE of Kaitha

Mt. 18: 1-5: The child is held up as a model for the disciples not because of any supposed innocence of children but because of their complete dependence on, and trust in, their parents. So must be the disciples in response to God and the humility with which the child is known as a pattern o Christian’s behavior to his fellow man.

Monday, 29 July 2013

29. IV MON of Kaitha

Mk.10: 46-52: The blind man at Jericho understands that if he lets this opportunity go by there will not b another chance; so he shouts all the way. An authentic disciple must be the one who is fully convinced of his/her total inability to become God’s child except through the power of Jesus. Only Jesus can provide the divine light. The bind man designates Jesus as Son of David. He actually ‘sees’ who Jesus is, more clearly than the disciples and the crowd who have been with him all along.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

28. IV SUN of Kaitha

Mk.7: 1-13: Jesus is accused of not instructing the disciples to follow the tradition, which are human made. Jesus establishes that these traditions are not in any way connected to the faith. Rather it takes the people away from understanding a loving God and to have faith in God. They cling to these rites and traditions because they are incapable of believing. External religion replaces the authentic faith they do not possess. They hang onto these things because these are all they have, and if they lose that, God no longer has any meaning for them. It is time for us to examine the way we celebrate novenas, church feasts and so on in which lots of consumerism and monetary practices are involved.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

27. III SAT of Kaitha – St. Alphonsa

Jn 12: 20-26: Jesus will die and the universal church will be born. Jesus allows his lifeless body to be laid in the earth; on rising from the tomb, his same body, now glorified, will also embrace the believers united to him. The life that is now his will be communicated to all the children of God. St. Alphonsa understood and lived according to what Jesus preached and practiced.

Friday, 26 July 2013

26. III FRI of Kaitha

Mk. 12: 38-44: Though the teachers of the law were not bad persons and interested in religion and teaching people trying to be a saint, he becomes a weak person. The very respect that people show leads them to overlook in themselves many wrongs that in anybody else would be severely censured.
The poor woman is the personification of those uncountable poor, who made retribution to God as one deserves. God calls on the poor give all that they have to live on.