Tuesday, 31 December 2013

31. I TUE of Nativity-End of the Year 2013

Luke. 1: 46-55: As we traveled in this year hearing the word of God, nourished by the body of Christ, we have to be but thankful as Mary had been in her magnificat. It is God’s hand we saw, it is the innumerable favours from God that we experienced and his power and spirit that guides us. Let us sing the Magnificat “ My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord”.

Monday, 30 December 2013

30. I MON of Nativity

Jn. 8: 12-18: Jesus is the light for all the people of all times to achieve their salvation. As God guided the people of Old Testament through the desert by means of a luminous cloud, God guides he people of New Testament times through his Son, Jesus. Whoever follows Jesus will never be influenced by evil. If we live our life according to the word as preached by Jesus, we will walk in a light like that of day time. So Jesus is the light, born as light lead us to the light (God) in hearing the word of God we are redeemed and live in the light.

Sunday, 29 December 2013

29. I SUN of Nativity

Mt. 2: 1-12: Anyone who realizes the love of God in Jesus, he, too should be lost in wonder, love and praise as those magi had been before Jesus. The gifts they presented at the cradle of Jesus, foretold that he was to be the true king, the perfect high priest and in the end the supreme savior of men.

Saturday, 28 December 2013

28. SAT – Holy Childhood

Mt. 2: 13-18: As children killed at the time of the birth of Moses, St. Mathew portrays that Jesus is the new Moses who came to save people. In the wholly undeserved death, the children stand for the many innocent victims perishing all over the world through malnutrition or violence by an evil system run by people like Herod, who blindly pursue profit and power.

Friday, 27 December 2013

27. FRI –St. John the Apostle

Jn. 21: 20-24: St. John the beloved disciple enjoys a more fundamental mission. His mission is to remain in the love towards his master and bear witness to the revelation of Jesus, linking the community to the Word. Like John, we are advised to bear witness to the infinite and unfathomable riches of Jesus.

Thursday, 26 December 2013

26. THU – St. Stephen

Mt. 2: 1-12: The visit of the magi. They belong to a different religion known to the Jews The Jews reject Jesus by their indifference and hostility displayed by Herod, indicates the coming of Jesus is to a new community which is the true Israel. This hostility and indifference towards Jesus and to the new community of Christians remained throughout the life of Jesus and later on. The martyrdom of St. Stephen can be understood from this background. The star indicates that Jesus is the expected Messiah, the true ‘King of the Jews.