Saturday, 30 April 2016

30. Jn 15: 26-16: 4

Jn 15: 26-16: 4: The disciples are the witnesses of Jesus because they were with him. The witness can come only from personal experiences from long fellowship and intimacy with Christ. It also comes from personal conviction. A witness is not only someone who knows that something is true, but also he or she is prepared to say that he or she knows that it is true. Holy spirit directs the witnesses of Jesus.

Friday, 29 April 2016

29. Mt. 15: 10-20

1    Mt. 15: 10-20: No man can call himself good because he observes rules and regulations. He can call himself good only when his heart is pure. It will come to an end to all our pride and make us to say to God “God be merciful to me a sinner”.

Thursday, 28 April 2016

28. Jn. 5: 24-29

Jn. 5: 24-29: The passage invites one to a close relationship with God in which fear is banished. One has to accept the way of life that Jesus offers us though difficult with sacrifices but bring peace and happiness. By accepting the Risen Lord means to welcome the guidance of the Holy Spirit which will strengthen each follower of Jesus. To be dead (spiritually dead) means to have stopped feeling and thinking that one may have eternal life.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

27. Jn. 3: 1-8

Jn. 3: 1-8: To be born again is a change that comes when we love Jesus and allow him into our hearts. We are forgiven for our past and live armed with the Holy Spirit for the future. It is this process by which we accept the will of God and thereby become citizens of the kingdom of God and sons of God - a life in the eternal which is the very life of God. 

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

26. Mt. 21: 18-22

Mt. 21: 18-22: The fig tree symbolizes the people of Israel and grew with plenty of leaves. They were nurtured and cared by God. The fig tree in the passage was there tempting the passerby…. God’s care could be seen but no fruit found. The Israelites were proud of their origin like that of the fig tree but they were not doing acts of fruition as wanted by God. So Jesus by cursing the tree was using a prophetic method to the give the message to the disciples that likewise this fig tree…. Be cursed if not fruit were seen.

Monday, 25 April 2016

25. Mk. 16: 15-20

Mk. 16: 15-20: It is an additional ending of Mark’s gospel in which Jesus gives the missionary command v. 15-18. The resurrection of Jesus is the universal mission of the church. Witnessing to Jesus, risen from the dead and now with God, remains the very special task and mission of the church. When we hold back from fear (v.8) or by doubt (v. 24) the Risen Lord challenges us to go forward.

Sunday, 24 April 2016

24. Jn. 21: 1-14

1    Jn. 21: 1-14: The disciples toiled alone all throughout the night. At day break Jesus joins with them. They catch a great haul of fishes as Jesus directed them. Because Jesus is the vine and they are the branches and those who remain with the vine (Jesus) produce fruit.’ The  mission work also must be done with Jesus and they would find success on their way. 

Saturday, 23 April 2016

23. Mk. 6: 1-6

1    Mk. 6: 1-6: The people of Jesus’ home town were too familiar to Jesus. They regarded him to be a teacher or rabbi but not as Lord. The same can happen in our faith in Jesus. Jesus is very familiar to us may be physically or humanely but the divinity is often not seen in him. In such circumstances a crisis of faith happens but can generate a fresh start to our faith again.

Friday, 22 April 2016

22. Mk. 6: 35-44

Mk. 6: 35-44: All four gospels record this miracle of multiplication of bread. Just before this in the palace of king Herod was a dinner party given to the senior officials of the court on the birthday of King Herod (v. 21). But Jesus’ miracle as recorded here gave goodness for many ordinary people. The comparison is striking so as to make the reader think ‘who really is the king of the people!’

Thursday, 21 April 2016

21. Mt. 15: 1-9

Mt. 15: 1-9: The tradition of the elders is not the law. Jesus respected and followed the law ie the ‘Thora’ but Jesus often spoke against some of its interpretation of the law by the Rubies. The disciples disobeyed an unimportant interpreted law but Jesus accused the Jews that they disobey the very important Law of Moses.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

20. Jn. 5: 30-38

Jn. 5: 30-38: Jesus speaks of the 3 testimonies that are accredited to him – his works and miracles, John the Baptist’s testimony in pointing him out as the savior and the words of scripture that refer to him. To gain direction in life one has to be guided by the testimony of others- the words, attitude and personal qualities are those factors that motivate people. So we go to Jesus for guidance.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

19. Mt. 19: 23-30

Mt. 19: 23-30: Riches are an obstacle to entering the kingdom, if it cannot be overcome by human power. The impossibility of the phrase ‘the eye of a needle’ indicates the renunciation of wealth and God helps one to share with the needy so that one becomes free from the world to enter the kingdom like that of the disciples, who left everything.

Monday, 18 April 2016

18. Lk. 20: 9-16

1    Lk. 20: 9-16: The people of God are that vineyard which God planted and nurtured. To look after them God sends time and again leaders (Isaiah 5: 1-7; Jeremiah 2: 21). Jesus is killed outside of the city of Jerusalem (here the vineyard) what the Jews rejected (Jesus) became the corner stone of the new church. 

Sunday, 17 April 2016

17. Jn. 16: 16-24

Jn. 16: 16-24: After living with Jesus for 3 years, the disciples were sad to hear about the death of Jesus. But their sadness will be changed into happiness when he is raised to life. This happiness will remain forever. So the sadness is only momentary while the happiness is everlasting. But how to celebrate this happiness? We sing in the prayer ‘onissadiraase’ in the holy Mass of this season that we should celebrate this like ‘the bride in her bridal attire and like the other who is happy when her children are with her’. It the ‘peseha’ feast is to have meaning in our life we must participate in the death and resurrection of Jesus. 

Saturday, 16 April 2016

16. Lk. 6: 46-49

Lk. 6: 46-49: Words without action are hypocrisy. Word of God, not followed through action it has no meaning. As the light of sun becomes perfect when it shines for me so is the word of God meaningful and perfect when it is practiced in life. Jesus tells this parable of the house built on the rock foundations.

Friday, 15 April 2016

15. Lk. 6: 6-11

Lk. 6: 6-11: A Jew regarded the Sabbath as a day of rest. It was the most sacred law for them. Jesus, with the God the Father’s vision, sees every law in the context of human need. Every law is meant for the betterment of man. This is what Jesus wants to affirms through the action and miracle healing in this passage.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

14. Mk 4: 35-41

Mk 4: 35-41: God is at work of destroying evil of every kind, whether it is of nature. God has power over (in calming the storm in the sea) nature. Human heart has to open by itself i.e.  by faith to experience God’s power. This faith must be based on the authority of Jesus and on his God-given identity.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

13. Mt. 8: 1-4

Mt. 8: 1-4: Lepers (in those times all who had skin diseases were considered lepers) are outcaste in Jesus’ times.  By curing such a one is a conspicuous and significant feature of the ministry of Jesus. Jesus brings back the lost dignity of man into the warmth of human communion.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

12. Mk. 4: 13-20

Mk. 4: 13-20:  It is the interpretation of Jesus for the parable of the sower that we see in this passage. If more importance is given to the sower and the seed in the parable of the sower, in the explanation of the parable Jesus give more importance to the soil were the seeds have fallen. There are many enemies to the seed- the Satan 4:15 suffering 4: 16-17 anxieties of the world 4: 18-19. The real disciple of the word gives hundred fold fruit 4: 20.

Monday, 11 April 2016

11. Mt 25: 1-13

1    Mt 25: 1-13: The parable of the ten virgins –five wise and five foolish teaches us that we Christians are not expected to behave like idle spectators, just waiting for the coming of the Lord; we have to work for it; we have to persevere and persist. We have at all times to be always ready, living the word of God, bearing the torch of Christ. 

Sunday, 10 April 2016

10. Jn. 14: 1-14

1    Jn. 14: 1-14: Jesus is the way to the Father in heaven. This message is blurred even in the minds of apostles. So Jesus says “Don’t let your hearts be troubled”v.1a. By trusting in God and in Jesus (1b) one hopes to reach n heaven. He is both the aim and the way of one’s life. He has sown this by his very life. By living in this way one will finally realize that Jesus is God (10:30).

Saturday, 9 April 2016

9. Lk. 24: 36-43

1    Lk. 24: 36-43: Jesus appears to the eleven apostles, who later become important witnesses of the risen Christ. The real presence of Jesus is felt by the disciples. The risen Jesus offers them gifts – the gift of peace(v.36), the wholeness of mind, soul and body which Jesus wanted the disciples to experience and to be witnesses later to the people.

Friday, 8 April 2016

8. Mk 4: 1-9

1    Mk 4: 1-9: The kingdom of God is compared to the seed that fell on ground in this parable of the sower. The seed that fell on the roadside is not even allowed to sprout up. Those on rocks sprouted up but did not grow. Those on thistles sprouted up, grew but were not allowed to give fruit. Only those fell on good soil fulfilled the intention of the sower and the fruit and harvest overwhelms that of those were lost. The kingdom of God is likewise. 

Thursday, 7 April 2016

7. Mt. 15: 21-28

1    Mt. 15: 21-28: The Canaanite woman is ‘low caste’ in two ways. By birth she belongs to another religion. Being a woman she is oppressed under men. But she has the humility to accept what she is and thereby Jesus acknowledges her faith though she belongs to a different religion. So Jesus teaches us to appreciate the goodness in others whether they belong to different caste, religion or status.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

6. Mk. 7: 31-37

1    Mk. 7: 31-37: The people, who brought a deaf-mute man to lay Jesus’ hand upon him to be cured, did not have the faith needed and remained in their deafness, so he sighed. Faith must be cultivated upon the Word of God rather than on the miracles, which can only make us aware of the presence of God. So Jesus warned them not to tell anyone of the miracles.  

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

5. Jn 5: 41-47

1    Jn 5: 41-47: Though the Jews studied the law and ready to die in faithfulness to Yahweh, Jesus says they don’t have the love of God in them? They are ready to accept anyone else in another name and are looking to look good in the eyes of one another, but they are not seeking the praise of God. However Jesus is not their accuser but Moses, their Law giver. 

Monday, 4 April 2016

4. Lk. 24: 28-35

1    Lk. 24: 28-35: The disciples who were going to Emmaus saw Jesus breaking the bread and recognized his hands that were being crucified. He is not only the host in his church; he is the guest also in every home. The disciples are seen sharing their joy of finding Jesus resurrected. They travelled back 7 miles to Jerusalem because they could not keep the good news to themselves. So must be a Christian, who shares the Good News. 

Sunday, 3 April 2016

3. Jn. 20: 19-29

1   Jn. 20: 19-29: The disciples are seen bundling in a secret place for fear of Jews. The ‘Jews’ here means the hostile powers that work against Jesus. To these fearful disciples Jesus brings transformation, leading the disciples from the darkness of fear, unbelief and distress into the lights of peace, joy of the risen Lord and the Spirit. He breathes on them as if he is making them of a new creation, new humanity from the fearful apostles. Jesus does so again and again even today. 

Saturday, 2 April 2016

2. Mk. 16: 1-8

1    Mk. 16: 1-8: The women who came to the tomb were told that they will see the risen Lord in Galilee. Galilee here is more a symbol than a place. It points to the breakdown of the barrier between Jews and Gentiles, transcends the human made distinctions of caste, color, language, profession and social status. Galilee is the mission of the followers of Christ. The mission entrusted to the women is to be completed by his disciples.

Friday, 1 April 2016

1. Mt. 10: 26-33

1 Mt. 10: 26-33:  If we lose God, we lose that which alone can give meaning and joy to our lives.  Jesus exhorts his disciples in his missionary preaching that what they hear from him must be preached without fear. Material loss is to be preferred to spiritual loss. Our relationship with God the Father is mediated through him. God’s attitude towards us will correspond to our attitude toward Jesus. Our acknowledgement or rejection of Jesus will be the norm for our own acknowledgment or rejection by God.