10: 1-15:The disciples representing the 12
tribes of Israel are sent on their mission by Jesus with instructions. Mission
means ‘sending’. The Father is the one
who sends messengers to the world to gather those who believe in his love and
Thursday, 31 March 2016
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
30. Jn. 15: 1-10
Jn. 15: 1-10: Vine in Old Testament means ‘Israel being planted from the selected stock, cared by the Lord and produces the fruits of justice’. In New Testament vine is Jesus himself- the trunk and like its branches the faithful sprout from him. He is also the entire vine and community is really the body of Christ. By remaining with him one can bear fruit. We remain with him in faith, prayer and keeping his word in one’s life.
Tuesday, 29 March 2016
29. Lk. 24: 13-27
Lk. 24: 13-27: Every ‘breaking of the word’ leads one finally to the Eucharist ie. ‘Breaking of the bread’ where one finds and acknowledges Jesus, as we see in the journey of two disciples to Emmaus. This is the way every Christian to discover Jesus, who is the way to life. They go away from Jerusalem. Jesus meets them on their way and puts them back on track.
Monday, 28 March 2016
28. Jn. 14: 18-28
Jn. 14: 18-28: Jesus consoles his troubled apostles by promising them that he will be present in the person of the Holy Spirit (Paraclete) The holy spirit makes us to understand and remember the teaching; of Jesus (v. 26). He makes us pray properly (Rom 8:26) He again is the gift of both the Father (14:26) and the Son (15:26). He imparts peace which is an inner reality which cannot be disturbed by any kind of suffering of this world.
Sunday, 27 March 2016
27. Mt. 28: 1-6: Easter Sunday
We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus
Christ today. It is called Easter. We see an empty tomb. If it was not empty,
our life would have been empty. So
a. Jesus
lives in us today. We have died in sin and lives in Christ for God (Rom 6:10)
Those who live in Christ is a new
creation (2 Cor. 5:17)
b. Jesus
lives in the word of God (Jn. 1: 1; 1: 14) and this life if lost what gains
(Lk. 9:25).
c. Jesus
lives in the bread. Whenever the bread is broken and given, there lives Jesus
(Lk. 24: 13-35)
d. Jesus
lives in the poor, oppressed, workers and so on (Mt. 25: 31-40)
e. Jesus
lives in a community. Love each other and there Jesus lives (Jn. 13: 35) He
live in Eucharist (Acts 2: 44-47) Loving brother means loving God (1 Jn. 4: 7;
3:14; 4: 16)
f. Jesus lives in the Church
Saturday, 26 March 2016
26. Mt. 28: 1-20: Great Saturday
The risen Christ cannot be seen unless
he allows himself to be seen. The soldiers didn’t see him raising from the tomb
while they never looked him but the women saw him because they looked for him.
Though Mathew differs from Luke and John in narrating about the risen Christ,
the fact is that:
appeared several times in different places after his death on the cross.
appeared often to the community ( 1 Cor. 15: 1-8)
communicates with whosoever he wishes giving prophetic messages to simple
people women and me alike.
resurrection of Christ is the pivotal point of the Gospels
resurrection of Jesus energized the people to be great missionaries. Christian
communities proclaimed the power of the resurrection to the world around.
Friday, 25 March 2016
25. Lk. 22: 63 – 23: 12 + Mt. 27: 19 + Lk. 23: 13-23 + Mt. 27: 24-25 + Lk. 23: 24-45 + Mt. 27: 51-54 + Jn. 19: 23-30: Passion Friday
This day means:
a. For
our sake and loving us Jesus suffered and died on the cross Jn. 10:18
b. There
is no greater love than this that one gives one’s life for one’s friends Jn.
15: 13
c. To
have life for us Jn. 10:10 Jesus died 2 Cor. 5:15
d. To
make us rich, he accepted poverty 2 Cor. 8:9
e. To
lift us to the divinity he came down to humanity Phil. 2: 6-7
f. To
lighten the weight on our shoulder, he took all our weights Isaiah 53: 4 and
Mt. 11: 28
g. To
give us salvation, he accepted the punishment that is given to the sinners Is.
53:5; 2 cor.5:21
h. He
emptied himself taking on the nature of a servant, made in human likeness Phil.
All these he suffered
for the sake of his love for us Jn. 15: 12-13
Suffering is the
measuring rod of love.
Thursday, 24 March 2016
24. Jn. 13: 1-14 + Mt. 26: 26-30: Pesaha Thursday
If Jesus is allowed to wash the feet of
the disciples, the disciples especially St. Peter thought the he too would be
doing so in their life…….. So he thought a plan … to discourage their master
doing it…. But Jesus said if you don’t allow me to wash, then we will have no
relationship… so by serving others or being servant to others that
relationships are established with Jesus and with our fellow beings (phil. 2:
Today we commemorate the day as Jesus
establishing the Eucharist in the form of bread and wine. Those who do the Eucharist
he proclaims the death and resurrection of Jesus till the end of age (1 cor.
11: 23-26) “Do this in memory of me”
It gives us the following messages:
a. Eucharist
is for ‘doing’. Just as Jesus ’broke’ the ‘bread’ and ‘gave to his disciples’,
we are asked to do the same. Our time, energy, resources, talents are our
bread. It is to be used for others and shared with others, just as Jesus shared
his energy and time in washing the feet of the disciples, his life given up on
the cross.
b. Just
as we are reminded of the Passover of the Israelites, so also it must remind
ourselves that Jesus pass over by his suffering and death upon the cross (Ex.
12:12). It must be enlivened in our thoughts, responses, thankfulness, and
character in worship, prayers and our spiritual life.
c. It
also remind us the ‘Paschal Lamb’ in Christ Jesus (Jn. 19:36; Ex. 12: 46). The
Brocken Body of Christ is changed into spiritual food and drink for our
salvation in place of the paschal lamb of Old Testament.
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
23. Jn. 12: 27-33
Jn. 12: 27-33:
What God did for Jesus, He does for every man. He sends us with direction and
guidance with a task to be accomplished and that too with the help of God. But
the Prince of Love on the Cross is a king who has his throne forever in the
hearts of man. The only secure foundation for the kingdom is Sacrificial Love.
Tuesday, 22 March 2016
22. Jn 12: 20-26
12: 20-26: Jesus will die and the universal church
will be born. Jesus allows his lifeless body to be laid in the earth; on rising
from the tomb, his same body, now glorified, will also embrace the believers
united to him. The life that is now his will be communicated to all the
children of God. St. Alphonsa understood and lived according to what Jesus
preached and practiced.
Monday, 21 March 2016
21. Jn. 11: 47-57
Jn. 11: 47-57:
Caiaphas prophesies that Jesus would die for the salvation of all and that
Jesus’ death would mean to gather together into one body, his church and Jesus
would attract everyone from all corners into his church (v. 12:32) and this
church would be universal and catholic uniting all races and cultures. However
this visible church is only the beginning and sign of that which is atoned at
the end times.
Sunday, 20 March 2016
20. Mt. 21: 1-17 Palm Sunday
Mt. 21: 1-17 Palm Sunday
a. Jesus
is the king of peace: custom of the time to travel on a donkey, on a colt
(Zechariah 9:9) on peace times.
b. Jesus
is recognized as the one who saves: the people request Jesus to save them and
to give them success.
c. Jesus
is the one who sanctifies: he succeeds in cleansing the temple again as was
done in 2 Maccabees 10: 7.
d. Jesus
physically cleanses the temple (v.12 -13) from the market atmosphere and other
e. Jesus
exhorts the people to be like children:
to the request of the priests to stop the children from shouting
“hosanna to the Son of David” Jesus’ reply was by quoting Psalm 21: 16.
Saturday, 19 March 2016
19. Mt. 1: 18-25
1: 18-25: Jesus is both Son of God by conception
and Son of David by adoption by St. Joseph, who being a descendent of King
David. He is commanded to name the son ‘Jesus’ which in Greek means ‘Yahweh
saves’. So St. Joseph plays an important role in the salvation history.
Friday, 18 March 2016
18. Jn. 11: 38-45
Jn. 11: 38-45:
By giving physical life to Lazarus, Jesus manifests his glory through his
seventh and last sign of God’s power of giving spiritual life. It also
anticipates the glorious resurrection of Jesus the Lord and the bystanders are
made to believe that Jesus is the Resurrection and Life.
Thursday, 17 March 2016
17. Lk. 3: 8-11
Lk. 3: 8-11:
John the Baptist demands a personal commitment to justice from every one. He
exhorts them to share and care; and not to swindle or bully others. His call
for personal conversion is also a call for the renewal of society such
community and society will be known by their fruit – a change of heart and the
action taken will speak louder for a social change.
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
16. Mt. 18: 15-20
18: 15-20: V.15 to 18 put together gives the
message that coming together in prayer is an assurance of the presence of
Jesus, which both guarantees the efficacy of our prayers and strengthens the
bonds which bind us together. The family, the community, or the church which
prays together, stays together. Christ is encountered in the community.
Division brings crisis and problems.
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
15. Lk. 13: 31-35
13: 31-35: Jesus, knowing the political power of
Galilee, is not afraid of his mission.
His mission compels him to go to Jerusalem as planned by his Father in heaven.
The metaphor of the mother-hen gathering her chicks brings out the loving
concern of God for his people. The political power is against it and all these
were foreseen by Jesus.
Monday, 14 March 2016
14. Jn. 12: 44-50
Jn. 12: 44-50:
Jesus warns the people that what they have heard from Jesus would judge them.
It is the truth of life. One cannot excuse them that he or she never heard
them. But one who heard and never practiced would incur more punishment. So
every wise things we heard, and every opportunity we had to know the truth,
will in the end be a witness against us.
Sunday, 13 March 2016
13. Jn. 10: 11-18
Jn. 10: 11-18:
Jesus is the model shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep as seen in
Psalm 23. Having such a shepherd one should live confidently with trusting
faith. Jews being failed in recognizing
Jesus as the savior, their place is being taken by the new followers i.e. the
Saturday, 12 March 2016
12. Mk. 10: 1-12
Mk. 10: 1-12:
Love and fidelity are the norms in matrimony for husband and wife V.2:24 and
10:8. The conjugal union binds them in an indestructible bond. Though Jesus
does not directly condemn the divorced but he denies authority to those who
placates the conscience of the divorcees as if God does not demand anything
more of them.
Friday, 11 March 2016
11. Jn. 8: 49-59
8: 49-59: Jesus establishes his eternal
existence. His existence is eternal than Abraham by saying “before Abraham was
I AM”. Jesus exhorts his people to believe in him so that they have the eternal
life. Because only by faith in the eternal Jesus that one has the life eternal.
Thursday, 10 March 2016
10. Lk. 18: 31-34
18: 31-34: Jesus foretells the passion before
starting to go to Jerusalem. He said so twice before (Lk. 9:22; 9: 43-45)
Jesus’ disciples never understood all these prophesies. Jesus prepares the
disciple to face the reality – the reality that Jerusalem is the place of his
suffering, death and resurrection.
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
9. Jn. 8: 1-11
8: 1-11: Jesus reveals himself as a merciful
judge and savior. Jesus criticizes the pharisaic hypocrisy of observing the law
to its letter, but not fulfilling its spirit. It invites us to be aware of our
own sins before we accuse others of theirs.
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
8. Lk. 10: 33-37
10: 33-37: The one who stopped to help another
human being is a Samaritan. Jesus describes what it means to be a neighbor to
another. Instead of dividing the world into neighbours and non-neighbours we
should make sure that we always act as a neighbor to others as best we can. It
is a relationship rather than a category. Ezra and Nehemiah were examples of
passionate devotion to the God of Israel. Jesus reminds us that we should love
our neighbor with the same passionate intensity.
Monday, 7 March 2016
7. Lk. 18: 18-25:
18: 18-25: Loving God and neighbour gives eternal
life. Giving one’s own wealth to the poor and following Jesus afterwards also
gives this eternal life. So Jesus can save one from the bondage of wealth and
can give salvation and life eternal.
Sunday, 6 March 2016
6. Jn. 7: 37-39, 8: 12-20
Jn. 7: 37-39, 8: 12-20:
The one who follows Christ must have an ‘exodus’ through the living water that
flows from his side and has to give his body, soul and spirit into obedience of
the Master creator and to enter upon that following is to walk in the light.
When we walk alone we may fall or go the wrong way. We need the heavenly wisdom
to walk the earthly way. Jesus is that heavenly wisdom and guide to enter into
life eternal.
Saturday, 5 March 2016
5. Jn. 7: 45-53
Jn. 7: 45-53:
Halfhearted defense of Christ by us in the world bring us uncomfortable and
ashamed silence. In our defense of Christ it is better to be reckless with our
hearts than prudent with our heads. To stand up for him may bring mockery and
unpopularity but Jesus promises us that ‘he will defend us before his Father in
heaven’. Loyalty to Christ may bring a cross on earth but it brings crown in
Friday, 4 March 2016
4. Jn. 7: 25-31
Jn. 7: 25-31:
Jews have their claim to know Jesus and from where he came. But their pride made them to remain in the
darkness interpreting everything according to their human views and closing
their hearts to the truth. Only a humble seeker of God can discover who Jesus
Thursday, 3 March 2016
3. Jn. 7: 1-13
7: 1-13:
Jesus’ own people failed to grasp his true identity. So he does not
succumb to the temptation of seeking self-glory but he chooses the way of
humiliation and suffering to give glory to God-it is his ‘time’. Going to
Jerusalem is to manifest himself through his suffering, death and resurrection.
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
2. Jn. 6: 60-69
Jn. 6: 60-69: Jews refuses to
accept Jesus’ doctrine on the Eucharist. Jesus then appeals to them pointing to
his resurrection (v.62). Thus Eucharist is the body of the risen Lord
transformed by the spirit (ccc 1116) It is this spiritual and glorified body of
Christ that acts in us, spiritually unites us with God and thereby endows us
with divine life
Tuesday, 1 March 2016
1. Jn. 5: 19-23
5: 19-23:
Unlike the faith of Jews as God is one, Jesus shows a new face of God.
The Father sends his Son into this world to complete his work of giving life
and salvation. It is by resurrection. Jews could not grasp Jesus’ claim of
being equal to the Father, that the Jews want to kill him (5:18)
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