Wednesday, 31 December 2014

31. I WED of Nativity – End of the Year 2014

Mt. 2: 1-12: The visit of the magi who belong to a different religion known to the Jews, who rejects Jesus by their indifference and hostility displayed by Herod, indicates the Jesus is coming to a new community which is the true Israel. This hostility and indifference towards Jesus and to the new community of Christians remained throughout the life of Jesus and later on can be understood from the martyrdom of St. Stephen. The star indicates that Jesus is the expected Messiah, the true ‘King of the Jews. 

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

30. I TUE of Nativity

Jn. 13: 31b-35: The glory of Jesus has come. That glory is the cross. In Jesus God has been glorified and in Jesus God glorifies Himself and God will glorify Jesus. Jesus loved his disciples selflessly, sacrificially, understandingly and forgivingly. All enduring love must be built on forgiveness. 

Monday, 29 December 2014

29. I MON of Nativity

Jn. 8: 12-19: Jesus is the light. Those who follow Jesus will not be influenced by evil. If we live according to Jesus’ teachings, we will be like people walking in full day lights and will surely reach the goal of salvation. For in Jesus there is the light as God has revealed his redemptive plan for the whole world. 

Sunday, 28 December 2014

28. I SUN of Nativity

Mt. 2: 1-12: The visit of the magi who belong to a different religion known to the Jews, who rejects Jesus by their indifference and hostility displayed by Herod, indicates the Jesus is coming to a new community which is the true Israel. This hostility and indifference towards Jesus and to the new community of Christians remained throughout the life of Jesus and later on can be understood from the martyrdom of St. Stephen. The star indicates that Jesus is the expected Messiah, the true ‘King of the Jews. 

Saturday, 27 December 2014

27. SAT – St. John, the Apostle:

Jn. 21: 20-24: St. John the beloved disciple enjoys a more fundamental mission. His mission is to remain in the love towards his master and bear witness to the revelation of Jesus, linking the community to the Word. Like John, we are advised to bear witness to the infinite and unfathomable riches of Jesus. 

Friday, 26 December 2014

26. FRI – St. Stephen

Mt. 9: 27-31: Against a few people who dislike their weakness and if they are honest would have so say that they do not wish to lose their sins. So Jesus had first of all to be sure that these men sincerely and earnestly desired the healing he could give. So Jesus compelled these people to see him alone. No medicine will do a man any good if he thinks he might as well be drinking water. The way to miracle is to place one’s life in the hands of Jesus Christ and say” I know that you can make me what I ought to be”.

Thursday, 25 December 2014

25. Christmas – Nativity of our Lord

Lk. 2: 1-20: Jesus’ birth against the background of Ceaser Augustus and the world-wide census Luke brings out the significance of Jesus birth for the whole world. In Jesus we find the real peace and salvation. Jesus as the first born brings his significance as the one to be consecrated to God. Shepherds recognizing Jesus in the manger, represent for the new community of God.

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

24. IV WED of Annunciation

Jn. 1: 43-51: The calling of the first disciple Jesus is inviting Nathaniel and all of us to a higher vision: to see him as the new Bethel, the house of God, the person in whom there is the plenitude of divine presence. If we steadily grow in our life of faith, we will reach the climax of experiencing Jesus as he is.   

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

23. IV TUE of Annunciation

Jn. 1: 6-13: Jesus is the light shining in the world which is plunged into darkness of evil. This darkness of evil power, tries its best to exterminate Jesus. Jesus the light seals his victory over the darkness with his resurrection. John the Baptist prepares the world to receive the light, the Christ. 

Monday, 22 December 2014

22. IV MON of Annunciation

Jn. 1: 1-5: John is referring to Jesus as the eternal word, who created the world and now enters into the world as part of creation. So the eternal word of God is becoming creation. Therefore Jesus’ coming is a new creation and new beginning. Jesus Christ is the word becoming flesh. 

Sunday, 21 December 2014

21. IV SUN of Annunciation

Mt. 1: 18-24: Mary is conceived by the Holy Spirit. Jews believed that the Holy Spirit brings God’s truth to men. The Holy Spirit also enables men to recognize that truth when they see it. The same Holy Spirit was active in the work of creation and is active in re-creation. This passage high lights all the above beliefs of the Jews.

Saturday, 20 December 2014

20. III SAT of Annunciation

Jn 3: 31-36: If anyone wants to be saved from divine rejection and be able to see God’s face of merciful love, he or she must believe in Jesus and live according to his teachings. The one who lives likewise will find inner peace and tranquility in his or her heart.

Friday, 19 December 2014

19. III FRI of Annunciation

Mk. 1: 1-8: John the Baptist announces the baptism of repentance. It is only a preparation to receive Christ. John’s aim was to connect men with the one who was greater and greater than he and men listened to him because he pointed not to himself, but to the one whom all men need. Where Christ is allowed to come the antiseptic of the Christian faith cleanses the moral poison of society and leaves it pure and clean.

Thursday, 18 December 2014

18. III THU of Annunciation

Jn. 14: 1-6: If we have true faith in God the Father and in Jesus Christ we will be liberated from all our sufferings. The ‘rooms’ show the intimate communion, sharing the very life of God, reaches it’s culmination in the life with God after our death. It starts with the present life in which Jesus is the Way, the truth and the life.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

17. III WED of Annunciation

Lk 16: 10-13: Each of us has a god we serve. The question centers upon which will attract our attention or devotion. Jesus reminds us that the spiritual bonds of human friendship are more important than the simple accumulation of things. We should use our time and opportunities to widen our friendships. This is more so with God. The more we spend time and energy in our life with God, the more we enhance our relationship with God.