Saturday, 31 August 2013

31. I SAT of Elijah-Cross-Moses

Mt 13: 44-51: If we really understand the worth of the kingdom, we shall do this with great joy because we are aware that what we are getting (the treasure, the pearl) is what our deepest self really wants and is worth far more than anything we can give up for it. The parable of the net tells us about the scandals existing in the church and one should not tolerate them passively. The separation is needed and is permanent for the kingdom and will become definitive on that very day because love is the law of the kingdom of heaven.

Friday, 30 August 2013

30. I FRI of Elijah-Cross-Moses

Lk 12: 54-59: People knew to read the signs of nature. So the signs which are seen around Jesus are enough for the sincere ones to understand that now is the time announced by the prophets to be converted and Israel must acknowledge it savior. The urgency of conversion for Jesus must be done before it is too late with a reconciliation between brothers and sisters because we are in our way to God’s judgment so that we can take advantage of the right situation we are then, if we are in the above said positions.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

29. I THU of Elijah-Cross-Moses

Mk. 10: 35-45: In God’s kingdom the power concept of this world is reversed. For Jesus leadership means servant hood. Jesus is the model as a servant waiting at table to serve. To serve the needs of all, especially the lowly, marginalized and outcasts, is the way to glory for a disciple of Christ Jesus. To be a ‘leader’ of Jesus’ community means to be the first to drink the cup of Jesus.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

28. I WED of Elijah-Cross-Moses

Lk 12: 41-48: The passage indicates about the stewards of the Lord and his community. They are those leaders of the church and its pastors. If they make the mistake of seeing only to the good functioning of the institutions they run and are thus liable to forget Christ’s coming and if they make use of community resources as their own, their fate will be pitiful – they will be cast out of the Lord’s household in the eschatological community.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

27. I TUE of Elijah-Cross-Moses

Lk 6: 20-26: ‘If you set your heart and bend your whole energies to obtain the things which the world values, you will get them –but that is all you will ever get’. But on the other hand if you set your heart and bend all your energies to be utterly loyal to God and true to Christ, you will run into all kinds of trouble; you may be according to the worldly standards look unhappy, but much of your payment is still to come; and it will be joy eternal.

Monday, 26 August 2013

26. I MON of Elijah-Cross-Moses

Lk 14: 15-24: The parable speaks about an eschatological final gathering into God’s community of salvation. For this heavenly banquet which will take place at the end of time, Jesus sends out the invitations. The time to respond is now! Those who are invited (in the parable the cream layer of the Jewish people) seem to have rejected the invitation on the false pretexts their own concerns. The second invitation to the Jewish people who are poor, crippled, outcasts and the marginalized and the third invitation to the gentiles indicate the togetherness of a wider community of God.