Saturday, 30 March 2013

30, Mt. 28: 1-20

The risen Christ cannot be seen unless he allows himself to be seen. The soldiers didn’t see him raising from the tomb while they never looked him but the women saw him because they looked for him. Though Mathew differs from Luke and John in narrating about the risen Christ, the fact is that:
a.      Jesus appeared several times in different places after his death on the cross.
b.      Jesus appeared  often  to the community ( 1 Cor. 15: 1-8)
c.       God communicates with whosoever he wishes giving prophetic messages to simple people women and me alike.
d.      The resurrection of Christ is the pivotal point of the Gospels
The resurrection of jesus, energized the people to be great missionaries. Christian communities proclaimed the power of the resurrection to the world around

Friday, 29 March 2013

29, Lk. 22: 63 – 23: 12 + Mt. 27: 19 + Lk. 23: 13-23 + Mt. 27: 24-25 + Lk.23: 24-45 + Mt. 27: 51-54 + Jn. 19: 23-42 PASSION FRIDAY

This day means:

a.      For our sake and loving us Jesus suffered and died on the cross  Jn. 10:18

b.      There is no greater love than this that one gives one’s life for one’s friends Jn. 15: 13

c.       To have life for us Jn. 10:10 jesus died 2 Cor. 5:15

d.      To make us rich , he accepted poverty 2 Cor. 8:9

e.      To lift us to the divinity he came down to humanity Phil. 2: 6-7

f.        To lighten the weight on our shoulder, he took all our weights Isaiah 53: 4 and Mt. 11: 28

g.      To give us salvation, he accepted the punishment that is given to the sinners Is. 53:5; 2 cor.5:21

h.      He emptied himself taking on the nature of a servant, made in human likeness Phil. 2:7.

i.        All these he suffered for the sake of his love for us Jn. 15: 12-13

j.        Suffering is the measuring rod of love.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

28, Jn. 13:1-14 + Mt. 26: 26-30 PESAHA THURSDAY

If Jesus is allowed to wash the feet of the disciples, the disciples especially St. Peter thought the he too would be doing so in their life…….. So he thought a plan … to discourage their master doing it…. But Jesus said if you don’t allow me to wash, then we will have no relationship… so by serving others or being servant  to others that relationships are established with Jesus and with our fellow beings (phil. 2: 3-4)
Today we commemorate the day as Jesus establishing the Eucharist in the form of bread and wine. Those who do the Eucharist he proclaims the death and resurrection of Jesus till the end of age (1 cor. 11: 23-26) “Do this in memory of me” It gives us the following messages:
a.     Eucharist is for ‘doing’. Just as Jesus ’broke’ the ‘bread’ and ‘gave to his disciples’, we are asked to do the same. Our time, energy, resources, talents are our bread. It is to be used for others and shared with others, just as Jesus shared his energy and time in washing the feet of the disciples, his life given up on the cross.
b.    Just as we are reminded of the Passover of the Israelites, so also it must remind ourselves that Jesus pass over by his suffering and death upon the cross (Ex. 12:12). It must be enlivened in our thoughts, responses, thankfulness, and character in worship, prayers and our spiritual life.
c.     It also remind us the ‘Paschal Lamb’ in Christ Jesus (Jn. 19:36; Ex. 12: 46). The Brocken  Body of Christ is changed into spiritual food and drink for our salvation in place of the paschal lamb of old testament.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

27, Jn. 13: 1-17

As the custom of welcome of those days the servant of the household washed the feet of the traveler, who often walked barefoot, Jesus chooses to be that servant in this Gospel passage. The messages are:
a.     Jesus wants us to be servants who serve.
b.    Authority is to serve and not for showing off.
c.     It is a sacred act of purifying them just as baptism does
d.    It is a preparation before sharing the ‘Bread of Life’
e.     To allow ourselves to be washed clean by Jesus our Lord and Savior –sacrament of reconciliation.
f.       To be humble and merciful in the Eucharist
g.     No place of domination or self-glorification in Christian leadership.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

26, Jn. 12: 20-26

Death means life eternal. When he dies the new community will be born. On rising from the tomb, his body, now glorified, will also embrace the believers to unite to him – like the converted Greek Jews who came to the temple to worship. Jesus is the new temple.