Thursday, 31 January 2013

31. Lk 8: 16-18

The one, who enters into the kingdom of God, must be light so that they may share it in whom darkness prevails. It is by hearing God’s word and act according to His will, that one becomes the light.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

30. Jn 3: 31-36

If anyone wants to be saved from divine rejection and be able to see God’s face of merciful love, he or she must believe in Jesus and live according to his teachings. The one who lives likewise will find inner peace and tranquility in his or her heart.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

29. Lk 2: 48-52

Jesus’ relationship with his parents assumes a new form. Though he remains obedient to them (v.51) it is an adult obedience – an awareness that his life belongs first to God. The parents respect his vocation, Jesus is not for them a ‘lost child’ but a child who ‘found his calling’.

Monday, 28 January 2013

28. Lk 2: 28-35

While Jesus is being presented in the temple Simeon declares that through Jesus, God becomes really present to his people not only for Jews but also for all people …nations-to the universal salvation. He foretells the rejection of Jesus by his own people and Mary would be a partner in the pain and suffering in the wake of his life and activity.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

27. Jn. 2: 1-11

The involvement of Mary makes Jesus to change water into wine, the most important thing to serve in a marriage at Cana. By this miracle Jesus reveals himself and save the family from shame. For John this miracle is a sign. The abundance of wine (120 gallons of water were tuned into new wine) is a symbol of grace that comes to us through Jesus the savior by his suffering, death and resurrection which according to Jesus is the ‘hour’.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

26. Jn. 8: 12-18

Jesus is the light for all the people of all times to achieve salvation(Isa 49:6) If God guided the OT people in the desert by luminous cloud(Ex 13:21) In NT He guides them by his Son, Jesus’ teachings. Whoever follows his teaching will be walking in full daylight and achieve salvation.